August 1, 2021

West Mich. cannabis operators debate federal reforms

Congress will inevitably relax decades-old federal restrictions on cannabis, West Michigan industry experts say, but how and when lawmakers will act are key unanswered questions that could determine who gains access to the market.
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August 1, 2021

West Mich. cannabis operators debate federal reforms

Congress will inevitably relax decades-old federal restrictions on cannabis, West Michigan industry experts say, but how and when lawmakers will act are key unanswered questions that could determine who gains access to the market.
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July 30, 2021

Connecticut marijuana tax revenue expected to top $70M by 2025

The Connecticut Office of Fiscal Analysis says marijuana tax revenue is expected to bring in more than $70 million by 2025.
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July 27, 2021

How Taxes And Regulations Impact Cannabis Sales

Growth is inevitable in legal cannabis markets, as a worldwide $200-billion legacy market moves regulated channels. But results will vary as regulators in each new market experiment to find the right formula for free and legal – but taxed and licensed – markets.
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July 23, 2021

How cannabis companies can improve environmental and social impact

Taking responsibility for your cannabis company’s environmental and social impact isn’t just a “nice to have.”
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July 20, 2021

Online cannabis sales boom amid COVID-19 spurs delivery-service acquisitions

The explosive growth of e-commerce during the COVID-19 pandemic has propelled new interest in acquisitions involving direct-to-consumer cannabis delivery.
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July 20, 2021

Arizona set to outpace Colorado in marijuana sales

Arizona is on track to outpace Colorado in marijuana sales just months after it became legal for recreational use in the Copper State, with total annual sales expected to surpass $1 billion by the end of this year, according to state data.
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July 16, 2021

Tax on recreational marijuana generates $74 million for Arizona in first 6 months

Arizona has seen $74,386,952 in marijuana tax revenue since businesses were approved to begin selling the drug recreationally in late January, the Arizona Department of Revenue said.
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July 14, 2021

Democratic senators move to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level

For the first time in history, some Senate Democrats on Wednesday moved to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level, proposing to the remove cannabis from the federal list of controlled substances.
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July 8, 2021

Michigan recalls 10,000 cannabis edibles that werenТt properly inspected

Marijuana regulators in Michigan issued a recall for 10,000 cannabis-infused chocolates because the products didnТt undergo proper inspection.
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