August 26, 2021

Colorado AG warns of marijuana market ‘disruption’ if US reform isn’t done right

In a wide-ranging letter to members of Congress, Colorado Attorney General Phil Weiser warned there could be “potential resulting disruption” to the existing state-legal marijuana markets if federal legalization isn’t structured carefully.
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August 26, 2021

New York governor vows to make adult-use marijuana a priority

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul, who took over this week for embattled Andrew Cuomo, pledged to move forward with the state’s multibillion-dollar adult-use marijuana program as quickly as possible.
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August 25, 2021

Arizona Brings In $21 Million In Marijuana Tax Revenue For July, With Recreational Sales Catching Up To Medical

Arizona brought in about $21 million in medical and adult-use marijuana tax revenue in July, state officials reported on a new webpage that enables people to more easily track how the industry is evolving.
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August 25, 2021

Colorado Will Vote On Raising Marijuana Taxes To Fund Education Programs This November, Officials Confirm

Colorado voters will decide on an initiative in November that would raise marijuana taxes to fund programs that are meant to reduce the education gap for low-income students. The secretary of state confirmed on Wednesday that the campaign behind the measure collected more than the required 124,632 valid signatures to make the ballot.
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August 16, 2021

Cannabis Tax Revenue In Oklahoma Up 56% from 2019 to 2020

Medical cannabis-derived tax revenues in Oklahoma increased 56% from 2019 to 2020 to more than $66 million.
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August 5, 2021

A new tax for the ballot

Raising recreational marijuana taxes could help reduce the state’s education gap, but at what cost?
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August 4, 2021

Cannabis Taxes Yield $2M in Scholarships for Pueblo County, Colorado

Pueblo County, Colorado is awarding more than $2 million in cannabis excise sales tax scholarships to local institutions, including $1 million to Pueblo Community College.
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August 3, 2021

Montana adult-use cannabis draft rules have advertising focus

The Connecticut Office of Fiscal Analysis says marijuana tax revenue is expected to bring in more than $70 million by 2025.
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August 3, 2021

Tobacco titan wins trademark lawsuit against cannabis e-cigarette company

Compared to other continents, Africa has recorded fewer infections per million and lower mortality rates during the COVID-19 pandemic, despite having a skeletal health system and a heavier health burden from malaria, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, which currently take priority in budgets.
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August 2, 2021

Colorado Could Vote On Marijuana Tax Hike To Fund Education Programs After Campaign Submits Signatures

A Colorado campaign appears to have submitted enough signatures to place a ballot initiative before voters in November that would raise marijuana taxes to fund programs that are designed to reduce the education gap for low-income students.
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